Return Policy Page

Replacement/ Return Policy

We take stringent measures to ensure that the items delivered to you are in perfect condition with the help of our Logistic partner At Fleurs.

However, there is a remote possibility that:
  • The item may be damaged during transit.
  • Or there might be a manufacturing defect.
  • Or that a wrong item is delivered to you.

In only such cases as given above, we will replace the item at no extra cost, provided that the request for replacement/return of the item is made within a period of 24 hours of receiving the parcel.

Once the product is picked up from the customer address then amount will be refunded within 3-4 hours.

To get a replacement, email us your Order Number and the justification for returning. Only after receiving our confirmation for the return, you are requested to send the item back to us (after email confirmation from us). Once we receive the item back we will then arrange for the replacement of the item through our logistics partner At Fleurs.. In case of a replacement, our logistics partner will attempt delivery of the item/s twice. In case the delivery is not executed during either of the two attempts, due to the recipient not being available / the premises being locked, etc., the customer will be charged for re-attempt/restocking of the delivery. We shall not be responsible for any items sent to us for return/replacement without our confirmation.

We will replace the item if:
  1. The product is damaged by the customer while opening the parcel.
  2. The package received by us has missing contents such as, original packing material, accessories, price tags, etc.

Cancellation by At Fleurs

We take utmost care in shipping your products in association with our logistics partner At Fleurs. It will take us 2-3 working days for your order to be dispatched through our logistics partner At Fleurs. Orders; will be dispatched / shipped only upon completion of card security checks, receipt of payments and confirmation of stock availability by our banking partner Axis Bank Limited Payment Gateway. Orders Received on Sunday or bank holidays will be dispatched the following Monday or in the next 2-3 working day.

It is the sole discretion of At Fleurs to accept/reject any orders for any reason whatsoever.

Your order shall stand cancelled in the following events:

  1. Unavailability of Stocks
  2. Inaccuracies or errors in product or pricing information.
  3. Problems identified after credit and fraud avoidance check.

At Fleurs reserves the right to seek additional verification or information before accepting any order.

You will receive intimation in the event of cancellation of your entire order or part order thereof or for additional information for acceptance of the order.

Upon cancellation of the order from our side, the payment made by you shall be returned to your bank account.

Upon cancellation of the order after your debit/credit/cash card has been charged, the amount will be reversed back in your card account.

Cancellations by the Customer

In the event we receive a cancellation notice within 1 hour of placement of the order by you and the order has not been dispatched by us, we shall cancel the order and refund the entire amount minus the gateway charges (if levied – levied {Payment gateway ban name}).

The orders that have already been dispatched by us will not be cancelled and you will have to check our Return Policy on those orders. The customer agrees not to dispute the decision regarding cancellation of the order made by At Fleurs and shall accept the cancellation without any protest.

In the event we receive a cancellation e-mail by which time the order has already been “processed” by us, the order shall not stand cancelled At Fleurs shall have full and final authority to decide whether an order should be cancelled or not. The customer further agrees not to dispute the decision regarding cancellation made by At Fleurs and shall accept the cancellation without any protest.

Request for cancellations of orders once placed on At Fleurs shall not be entertained unless it is made within 1 hour of the placement of order and the order state showing “pending” under Order History (except in case of weekends, holidays, or any unforeseen condition).

For cancellation of the order, you will have to access our Customer Support number by sending an email giving your Order Number.

In the event the order is shipped and requires to be cancelled customer have to bear the restocking and handling fees of 25% of the total order value along with the shipping charges.

Packaging Issues:

At At Fleurs we, in association with our logistics partner {Logistic partner company name}, make sure that all the goods ordered are delivered to you in the best condition. We take utmost care in packaging to ensure that the main product remains intact and damage free. However At Fleurs shall not be responsible if the product received by them has a tampered packaging from the original source. At Fleurs only deals in brand new product/s, and none of our products have expiry date.

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